
Houseplant Collection

Originally posted: 23 February 2024

Last edited: 23 February 2024

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For as long as I can remember, my house has never had less than at least one hearty plant. Granted, this is probably not a very unique experience, but I can say that I am very fond of them.

Personally, I am not much of a fan of heavily hybridized plants, and instead generally prefer to keep specimens representative of wild individuals. Though, as you'll see below, I too am not immune to the trendy plants that... FIND THEIR ROOTS... in the US houseplant market. (*Cough cough Philodendron...*)

As I continue to work on this list, I would like to add pictures of most of the species, as well as some more notes where applicable. So, hopefully that will be coming soon.

Currently kept species:



Family Araceae (arums)

Genus Aglaonema

Aglaonema sp.

Genus Epipremnum

Epipremnum aureum (golden pothos) - so many of these!

Genus Philodendron

Philodendron 'Congo Rojo'

Philodendron 'White Princess'

Philodendron billietiae

Philodendron hederaceum (heartleaf philodendron, Philodendron 'Brazil')

Philodendron xanadu

The one in the tropical tank?

Genus Zamioculcas

Zamioculcas zamiifolia (ZZ plant)

Family Asparagaceae (asparagus)

Dracaena 'Lemon Lime'

Dracaena trifasciata (snake plant) - genus previously known as Sansevieria.

Family Asphodelaceae

Aloe vera

Family Crassulaceae (stonecrops)

Crassula ovata (jade plant)

Family Malvaceae (mallows)

Pachira sp. (Money tree)

Family Marantaceae (arrowroots)

Maranta leuconeura (prayer plant)

Family Urticaceae (nettles)

Pilea sp.


10ish random cacti, I will get there eventually.

Wishlist species: