Species List
< Back to CollectionsI've gone through some downsizing recently as I continue with college and other priorities.
Of course, I miss what has since passed away or been rehomed, but I'm nonetheless
happy to work with what I currently have got as well.
Last updated 01/05/2024
(Numerical sex classification system: male.female.unsexed)
- Smooth death feigning beetle (Asbolus laevis)
- Blue death feigning beetle (Asbolus verrucosus)
- Eleodes spp.
- Tenebrio molitor
- Cubaris sp. 'Rubber Ducky'
- Cubaris murina 'Papaya'
- Porcellio laevis 'Dairy Cow'
- Porcellio scaber 'Spanish Orange'
- Porcellionides pruinosus 'Powder Mix'
- 0.0.2 Fire-bellied toad (Bombina sp.)
- 1.0.0 Leopard gecko (Eublepharis macularius)
- 0.2.0 Domestic house cat (Felis catus)
At one point, I kept track of plants too...